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The Great Central Coast Prayer Adventure Part 1

A story of risky faith.

The Great Central Coast Prayer Adventure, Day 1

I had this urge for some time to take a road trip and pray for random strangers along the way. I have done all kinds of street ministry in the past and I think I was craving some risky adventures like the old days. I invited my friend Bernie to join me on this Great Central Coast Prayer Adventure and he enthusiastically signed on. On June 20th, we drove down Hwy 101 toward Morrow Bay. It wasn't long before Bernie started asking to stop to shop and see the sights. He was not only driving the car, he was driving me a little crazy. I held my ground for the sake of our mission until in a moment of weakness I gave in and we stopped to eat at Firestone Brewing Co. in Paso Robles, the place of my birth. We offered prayer to the server, she was friendly, but she seemed to have no pressing needs.

We finally made it to Nipomo to connect with some friends who took us to the beach to roast hot dogs on a campfire. I left to get supplies from the car -- where I met a man in a restaurant parking lot. We started bantering back and forth about our cultures and heritages. He was a Mexican-Apache, so I told him I was Mexican-Irish. There was our Latino connection. As the conversation was winding down, I said, "Hey man, can I pray for you?" He said, "Yes, but I want to pray for you too." After heartfelt prayers for one another, we said goodbye with bear hugs and our laughter filled the night air. Meanwhile, brother Bernie was having a glorious time praying for a couple who had set up a beach fire near ours. It was a fruitful time for our first day out. I felt great about the prayer connections we had made and that I was able to keep Bernie focused on the mission. Final thoughts; what I have learned. Don’t put ministry in a box. Keep an open mind on who and how God wants to encourage others through me.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Cor. 13:11

Bring on day 2!

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Cleveland Masten
Cleveland Masten
Jul 29, 2019

There is a joy in the journey, there is a light that we find on the way. - Michael Card

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